Products - Sales Order and Truck Dispatch
This application allows the user to process customer orders and assist the dispatcher in composing the most efficient
Customer Orders may be processed from a number of sources. These include
telephone ("Tel Sell") order entry, Route Card entry, Salesperson Hand Held system orders, and Standing
Customer Service / "Tel Sell" Order Entry
This option is designed for calling customers on the phone. The program automatically prompts, in user defined sequence, the customers to
be called each day. The program also allows the sales person to
accept incoming customer calls.
Route Card Order Entry
This option allows the user to key customer orders from a manually written route card or order sheet.

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Truck Dispatch
Truck Dispatch is designed to allow a dispatcher to organize truck loads, along with truck and driver
assignments, to compose the most efficient delivery of customer orders.
The Dispatch Final is run after the dispatcher has completed his work for the
day’s deliveries. This processes the day’s orders. It calculates and prints the
customer invoices. It prints load sheets, detailing the products to be loaded on
each truck. A daily delivery list is then produced, summarizing the customer stops of each driver.
